Why Your Avatar Sucks
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Saturday, 17 October 2009 01:00

Oh yes it does and it is not because you have spent 50 cents on Halo ODST Laser Kill Ring that no one can see. No, my friend, I am about to explain why everyone's avatar sucks. Why after almost a year since NXE we have all PS3 fanboys laughing at us.... 

Microsoft have pumped millions into Avatars and making NXE more a social networking portal than a gaming console, but here are five reasons below why your Xbox Live Avatar blows goats for half price. 
You are forced to have one : Actually that is not entirely accurate as you can easily start the Xbox 360 without one. But as soon as you hook up to Xbox Live, bam, Microsoft Stormtroopers come into your home and they force you to create one at gun point. What ever happened to consumer choice? All I want to do is go on Live and shoot and kill people, but I have to create an avatar before you let me in?
Avatar Marketplace : Why spend real money on something that isn't real? I am not just talking about the clothes, but the mobile phones and remote control cars. If you cannot afford a real phone, why get a fake one that you can't use? So your fake avatar can talk to fake friends? Why spend two bucks on a remote controlled car that doesn't do anything other than go in a circle, online? No one sees this fake crap except your friends and they'll know you have spent money on something that isn't real. 
They take up valuable memory : Microsoft officially do not tell us how much memory space the avatars take, but that is not the issue. I would rather the memory be allocated to something more useful, like speeded up achievement or friends lists. Everyone I know mostly uses the Xbox Guide button to navigate around rather than Xbox Live merry-go-round and watch your avatar do a wave and dance.
No Xbox 720 until 2015 : Microsoft originally planned to chase the high-end tech console, but the Wii changed their minds. They are now spending their money on Natal, Facebook and Avatars than the super photorealistic graphics with billions of polygons that they once promised us. They will bundle a slim console with Natal next year and call it a new console and extend the 360's life until at least 2015. You can't even bet on Sony because they are doing the same thing. Both are abandoning the tech race to chase a 'white Gamecube' 
No Achievements : If somehow you could get an achievement for styling your Avatar, then I'll be there. I'll do anything for an achievement. But you can't. You can't even kill, maim, stab or make them speak, so they are pretty useless if ask me. Microsoft give us achievements (not awards) with our avatars and I'll re-word this heavily damaging article against avatars. It will take me two minutes.
This list is only five but I am sure there are numerous more reasons why Xbox Avatars have so far proved to be nothing than a fail. If you find that I have missed something, then please comment or you absolutely love Avatars, I won't call you sad, just confused, please comment. 
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Comments (11)
written by Mauro Picotto, October 17, 2009
Hell yes, I'm totally agree with you, avatars were only created just to make more money, they are useless, uglys, and they looks like g*y, they move and act like a f****ts, I would have preferred avatars, like B.Carmine or Skorge, and not this shit.
  • +3
written by mmmMMMm PEPE [1], October 17, 2009
Oh my gosh, then wtf did i get a wii for?
btw i dont take avatars seriously at all. i made mine an old lady with a tube top on.

at least they are getting sponsored by all the clothing companys. but theyre all emo garbage clothes.
  • +0
written by Lord_Sir_Real, October 17, 2009
I agree that Avatars should be optional. To be forced to participate in something such as this is certainly unfair and unpleasant to have should you not like or wish for an Avatar.

However, I am in my mid-twenties and I believe it is quite possible that Avatars are more popular with the younger gamers of the Xbox universe.

The Avatars may be more appealing if there were a lot (and I mean a lot) more accessories and options for customization. The current options are simply too poor and should be completely free.

Overall the Avatars give all players the ability to have an online personal identification that creates a "greater community" feel though there should definitely be an option to turn off, if not, entirely delete what I find to be an insignificant tack-on, which is certainly there to squeeze even more money out of our hard-earned money; or pocket money should you be a kiddy living with mummy and daddy and still wet behind the ears.

Lord Sir Real
  • +3
written by CovertPimpSloth, October 17, 2009
My avatar is Michael jackson and I think it's pretty awesome.
  • +0
written by PROFESSORMURDER, October 18, 2009
I knew when they started this that Microsoft was just trying to copy Nintendo. First avatars, now Natal and Facebook? Is microsoft trying to run off all the serious gamers with these frivilous updates? I play games with my 360, that's all I want to do with it. I wish they would leave a good thing alone, and improve the gaming experience, not try extras that have no real ties to gaming. I bought an Xbox 360 game console, not an Xbox 360 All-Different-Kinds-Of-Entertainment console.
  • -1
written by YouStayClassy, October 19, 2009
"Is microsoft trying to run off all the serious gamers with these frivilous updates?"

Yes, I truly believe this as well. Since Nintendo is making billions by releasing the EXACT SAME Mini-Game Compilation over and over again to legions of Redbook Moms and overweight girls deluded enough to think Wii Fit will make them attractive, why wouldn't Microsoft and Sony do the same thing?

Why spend multi millions making Gears Of War 3 when you can just spend $120 bucks making "Mini Game Compilation #456,673,724: Wave Your Arms Like An Idiot Trying To Make The Unresponsive Controls Work"?

All I can say is thank God I still have old, REAL games to play. The future doesn't look all that bright.
  • +1
written by Everton, October 19, 2009
I like them

Harmless bit of fun that can make some folks feel more part of the dashboard.

They dont interfere with your gaming and if you are part of a large party of friends on a rgular basis then its good to get a feel for what your online collegues look like or try and portray they look like.

Unless you want to buy the addons its a free service so I cannot see why everyone is so anti them.

Now I have my werewolf costume too I am happy they are there
  • +0
written by Rikafella, October 19, 2009
Can't say that I hate them, don't give a shit about it, but my wife and lil' gamer girls love the dress-up that they can play with their avatars... But I aggree about having to buy things for them, it is a free option, if you want it, buy it, if not, leave it alone.
  • +1
written by ryan opon, October 22, 2009
i think avatars are good and it doesnt matter about what everybody else thinks its what you think
  • +2
written by Omen Boy, October 24, 2009
''but here are five reasons below why your Xbox Live Avatar blows goats for half price''.
i just like that comment!
  • +0
written by A Pluto Native, November 18, 2009
I personally don't like the avatar system, but you cannot deny the popularity it has garnered with some people. My girlfriend will spend silly amounts of time dressing it (I tried telling her the Sims would be more "productive" for her since she can then play with it), and it has even allowed Microsoft to find obscure female gamer-avatars to feature as their highlighted gamer.

My major complaint is how very few animations they have (how many times can you watch one of them wave or look at their hands indifferently?) A wider range of interactivity would be better. Although, you can make them belch or fart while dressing them by pressing the analog sticks, for those that didn't know.

Overall, I don't particularly like them all too well; but they have done a decent job of making it more appealing to a wider range of people as well as aesthetically pleasing.
  • +1

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